Category: Coverage

Joe Postel – Wins A Significant Construction Defect Coverage Case On Hotly Contested Issue

Feb 13, 2018 Construction Defect
Joe Postel won an important insurance coverage case for Acuity, involving coverage for a subcontractor, State Mechanical, faced with a construction defect lawsuit stemming from the remodeling of the Knickerbocker Hotel in downtown Chicago. Acuity and Selective Insurance insured State Mechanical in different policy periods. Selective defended State Mechanical and […]

Peter Syregelas Represents Insurer Under CGL and Business Interruption

Dec 20, 2016 Coverage
Peter Syregelas: Represented an insurer in a coverage dispute under CGL and business interruption parts to a package policy where a major supplier of animal feed allegedly neglected to add vitamin d supplement to animal feed causing rickets and death in $12 million worth of livestock.

Peter Syregelas Represents Legal Malpractice Insurer

Oct 20, 2016 Coverage
Peter Syregelas: Represented a legal malpractice insurer through trial in rescission of professional liability policy issued to a prominent law firm to obtain rescission based on nondisclosure of a $30 million suit which was threatened against insured but not disclosed on application.

Summary Judgment – No Duty To Defend Claim For Negligent Supervision Resulting In Sexual Abuse

Feb 01, 2016 Coverage
Attorney Joe Postel won summary judgment after the court declared his client did not owe a duty to defend or indemnify its named insured against a claim that her negligent supervision of her husband resulted in the sexual abuse of their step-great granddaughter. Our client, Metropolitan Casualty Ins. Co. (“Met”), […]