Peter Syregelas Secures Insurance Payout of $4 Million Towards Settlement

Dec 20, 2021 Coverage
Peter Syregelas: Secured an insurance payout of approximately $4 million toward the settlement of a case for a class action for violations of FRCA after the insured completely reserved rights after uncovering a liberalization endorsement on a policy which offered coverage for liquidated damages under an earlier policy, and which […]

Joe Postel Wins Summary Judgment in a Coverage Case Involving Disputes Over Horizontal and Vertical Exhaustion

Dec 03, 2021 Coverage
Joe Postel recently won summary judgment for our insurer client in a coverage case against Commonwealth Edison involving a dispute about the application of the horizontal exhaustion rule and whether an endorsement to our client’s excess policy provided for vertical exhaustion.  George Moyett, an electrician, was severely burned by electricity […]

Blanket Additional Insured Endorsement’s Signature Requirement Enforceable

Oct 25, 2021 Additional Insured
Chris Pickett recently secured judgment on the pleadings in favor of their client, a CGL insurer.  At issue was a tender of defense from a putative additional insured general contractor for an underlying construction site injury.  The general contractor did have a written contract with our client’s named insured and […]

Kate Crouch Obtains Summary Judgment in Long-Running Construction Negligence Case that Resulted in the Death of a Tradesman

Oct 15, 2021 Construction Injury
Kate Crouch obtained summary judgment in a long-running construction negligence case that resulted in the death of a tradesman who was crushed between sewer piping on a project in the City of Chicago.  Our client performed water main work in the area of Plaintiff’s decedent’s eventual injury, but completed its […]