Steve Becker Secures a Favorable Settlement in Mold Exposure Case

Feb 17, 2021 Construction Injury
In a recent Lake County construction case, Steve Becker represented a general contractor whom the Lake County Health Department contracted with to perform various renovations.  The work allegedly caused mold and harmful chemicals to spread throughout the building, resulting in severe health problems for three Health Department employees.  The Plaintiffs […]

Kate Crouch Wins Motion to Dismiss

Feb 10, 2021 Construction Injury
Kate Crouch recently won a motion to dismiss our client from a significant construction case pending in Cook County involving a career-ending injury to a union carpenter.  The construction site in question was strewn with pieces of old precast that had been buried when the prior structure was built, and […]

Steve Becker Prevails on Motion for Summary Judgment in Cook County

Dec 22, 2020 Defense
Steve Becker recently prevailed on a motion for summary in Cook County, Illinois.  The case involved a Plaintiff who was an employee of our client’s sub-lessee, wherein he alleged injuries suffered when he tried to open a large industrial gate that secured the leased premises.  He claimed that the gate […]

Kate Crouch Secures Favorable Settlement Under Threat of Pending Motion for Summary Judgment on Snow and Ice Case

Dec 10, 2020 Defense
In a recent case involving the ever-evolving natural accumulation rule, Kate Crouch defended a landscaping company that contracted to remove snow and place salt to remediate ice at the premises where a plaintiff fell, sustaining a serious shoulder fracture with medical specials of $150,000.  Plaintiff gave ample testimony in her […]

Chris Pickett and David Osborne Secure a Significant Win for Insurers Defending Construction Defect Claims under a Reservation of Rights

Dec 02, 2020 Construction Defect
Chris Pickett and David Osborne recently secured a significant win for insurers defending construction defect claims in Illinois under a reservations of rights.  Specifically, the Northern District of Illinois found in favor of the insurer-client, holding that it had the right to control the defense with its own panel counsel […]