Peter Syregelas: Obtained victory before the Illinois Supreme Court, successfully challenging the constitutionality of Public Act 98-1132, Senate Bill 3075, which reduced the number of jurors in a civil trial in State of Illinois from 12 to 6.
Bill Lindsay: We limited a jury verdict to under $500,000 in an admitted negligence case where the plaintiff, a school girl, suffered severe facial disfigurement and other injuries when struck as she crossed in front of a school bus with lights flashing. The plaintiff was represented by one of the […]
Howard Trafman Obtains a Not Liable Defense Verdict for Audio/Visual Company in Stage-Hand Injury Case
May 12, 2016 Defense
Howard Trafman obtained a not liable defense verdict in a case where Plaintiff, a stage-hand, was working at an event (President Barack Obama’s birthday) at the Aragon Ballroom and claimed to sustain a torn hip labrum which required surgery and a herniated disc which required surgery. Plaintiff claimed she was […]
Appellate Court Affirms Summary Judgment – Condo Association Does Not Have Standing To Recover For Unit Owners’ Personal Property
May 04, 2016 Appeals
Attorney David Osborne won an appeal affirming summary judgment that Westfield did not owe a duty to defend or indemnify a condominium developer against a construction defect lawsuit, notwithstanding allegations of damage to the unit owners’ personal property. The 933 Van Buren Condo Association filed a construction defect lawsuit and […]
Bill Lindsay: We negotiated a unique “High-Low Settlement” with the plaintiff in a three car, rear-end accident. Apportionment of liability against the client at trial was greater than the “High” end of settlement. The non-settling co-defendant was forced to absorb the difference. Hager v. Shulda, Circuit Court of Lake County.